Friday, December 3, 2010

Episode 10: Surviving the Mall...

Listen here!

Somehow we survived the mall (we went to try and get the last of our Yule presents for family. We didn't quite succeed).

I acknowledge that I am obsessed with socks. SOCKS, I tell you!
I am also probably coming off as being as manic as a chipmunk on speed. It's been a day, folks.

The Knitting Is As Follows:

- Robin's Shiny Happy Beery Zauberbally socks: Off the needles 2 days after I last podcast*. Booyeah.
- September Mystery Socks: Surprise! I cast on the second sock! And I'm through clue one and into clue two. Bet you didn't see THAT coming...
- February Lady Sweater: Got a few more rows on it. Not into the lace part YET, but we're working on it.
- Falling Snow stocking: Couple more rows were put onto this before I passed out last night from exhaustion.

I also have a sneaky-type sock on the go, a man's size out of Kroy with size 3 needles. Shhhh! It's a seekrud!
And a second sock that I cast on to try out the whole Fleegle Heel thing. I will probably now rip out the FIRST sock so that I can re-do it with the Fleegle Heel method. But not until I have finished this second-(that will be first) - sock. Wow, I even come close to confusing myself.

I also apologized to Wendy D. Johnson for erroneously assuming that she did not cover Fleegle Heels in her wonderful book "Socks from the Toe Up". She did. She just didn't call them a Fleegle Heel. They're referred to as a "Gusset Heel".
I also apologized in advance for going off about parents with large strollers who try to take out innocent passers-by. What's up with that?
If I keep apologizing, I think I'm going to start sounding like the Wit from the Knitwits podcast. Oops.

I mentioned Bicycle Advocacy, and Copenhagen Cycle Chic. Go check it out...yes, it's people on bicycles, but they're stylish, and they wear a lot of knitwear, particularly at this time of year...

I did a half-arsed review of Interweave Knits Winter 2010, and got nitpicky about the promise on the front cover that indicated socks for everyone. I was disappointed. But, as mentioned, only because I hold Interweave up to a higher standard due to their market penetration and longevity.

Heh. I said penetration.

I MUST be tired to have found that funny. Actually, it WAS funny, but I must be tired because I don't generally go for that kind of humour.

We here at the Stringchronicity Podcast do not have a sense of humour that we are aware of.
(Let's just stop now, shall we? Oi.)

I mention my co-worker Jean and his generous wife Cassy, and the absolutely wonderful wool that she sent to me. I blogged about it at There are pictures. Go have a look!

I very incidentally mentioned Pinterest. It's the new crack. All the cool kids are doing it. I'm even following Ysolda Teague and Jessica and Mary Heather from Ravelry, and Lolly and...and...yeah. There's a lot to like over there.

I talked about The FUMP! What is The FUMP? So glad you asked. It's the Funny Music Project, and it's where I find most of the fun stuff I've been sharing with the rest of y'all. I was going to put a song at the end called "Wasted on the Sleigh" by Robert Lund and, but thought better of it afterwards. Why? Because some folks might not appreciate the idea of St. Nick getting hammered on magic ho-hos and having a Merry-wanna Chrismas.

Though, if you want me to, I can totally set that up for next week. Really. Let me know either in the comments (down below! Click the link! You're already more than halfway there if you're reading this!), or by going to the Stringchronicity Podcast board on Ravelry and posting in the show thread there.

Instead, I played Podsafe Christmas Song by Jonathan Coulton (off his Thing a Week One album). Go to his website. Give him moneys. He writes absolutely awesome music, and could probably use a bit of cash around this time of year. He, apparently, had a birthday recently. He writes songs about ZOMBIES, and ROBOTS, is this not the ultimate awesome?

I sense something for me to pin on Pinterest. Yep.

Til next week, folkses. Here's hoping I'm not so loopy I'm all over the place again (unless you like that sort of thing, and then I'll have to attempt it. It could be messy).

Stay frosty!

*what IS the correct verbiage of podcast? Is the past-tense just podcast, or is it podcasted? Inquiring minds and all that...

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